«FOPTNET» operates at Georgian and Caucasus region telecommunications’ markets since year 1996. Within the period of 1997 – 1999 the Company realized two huge telecommunications’ projects: the first is “Georgian Optical Highway – GOPH”, optical fiber highway covering main part of Georgian territory and the second one, the joint project with Danish “Great Northern Telegraph Company-GN” and Russian “Westelcom”, is “Georgia-Russia”, submarine optical fiber cable system in the Black Sea, connecting “Georgian Optical Highway-GOPH” to the large telecommunication node in Novorossijsk, via Sochi. So far FOPTNET became the first national and international optical fiber network operator in Georgia. Resulting from a long term successful operational experience, the Company reached the leading position over national and regional telecommunications’ markets. Since year 2005, Foptnet together with the large telecommunication companies “System Net”  and “Akhali Kselebi” is a part of T&T Telecommunications and Technologies Group.